Saturday, August 22, 2009

August on the Bay

The batteries in my camera are dead and getting the lithium kind I need will mean a trip somewhere at least an hour from here so I might not have photos on this entry.

I'm sitting here waiting for Hurricane Bill to do his thing. He is coming in as the normal tides are the highest in the summer. That could be interesting.All of the coastal provincial parks have evacuated but I'm staying right here with an almost full house. I did get my neighbor's grandson who speaks French to translate for me as I convinced the French family from Quebec who speak no English to move from their tent into a cottage for the evening. They seemed relieved.

Fishing has been good for striped bass. A number have been caught right off my bank, one 35 inches long.That 's" some big" as they say up here.I'm trying to get photos to post in the Bass River general store for free advertising.

Temperatures have been very high the last couple of weeks, upper eighties and even nineties.Friends keep asking me if I find it hot. I tell them "yes, if I were home, I'd have the AC on".There's usually no need for it here.

It's Tuesday now and Bill was merely weak Willie. The wind and rain here were no more than we often get but we did lose power for a couple of hours.I have batteries for my camera and all is well on the Bay.

1 comment:

Sue said...

Wow, it is hard to believe that you would get such hot temperature in Nova Scotia. Even harder to believe is that a hurricane could get so far up the coast. That hot weather was drawing it right in to you. Thank goodness it did not happen, especially on a high tide. Love your post. Beautiful scene. Keep safe